

How Much Does a House Clearance Cost?

When it comes to arranging a house clearance, there’s one question at the front of everyone’s mind: how much does a house clearance cost?

You can, of course, contact a house clearance company and get an estimate over the phone within a few minutes. However, house clearances are complex procedures with each one comprising an assortment of needs and problems. And it’s these complications which can soon lead to the initial estimate becoming inaccurate. As a result, the customer is suddenly faced with a house clearance cost which is significantly more than they had expected. This can put both customer and clearance company in an awkward position, so it’s a scenario which is best avoided for all.

Understanding the Costs of a House Clearance

Each and every house is unique and very different in its own specific way. Factors such as size, weight, nature of contents, parking and access can all conspire in a way that renders a ‘one price fits all’ policy impossible to apply. It’s crucial, therefore, that you understand what some of the main price factors are when it comes to costing a house clearance.

  • Disposing of Electrical Items: Under the Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment regulations, any electronic device that has either a plug or battery needs to be disposed of in a very specific manner. This approach has been introduced to reduce the harmful impact of toxic materials contained within these items, but also comes with a price tag which can vary between the different classes of item defined under the regulation. Identifying each electrical item, therefore, is essential in costing a house clearance.
  • Van Load Restrictions: The weight restriction that applies to a standard size van is 3.5 tonnes, so this needs to be taken into consideration when planning a house clearance. After all, the contents of each house will vary significantly and this may mean that several trips (and increased manpower) are required to transport and dispose of the materials safely. Working out a rough idea of weight and trips required will make estimating the cost much easier.
  • The Contents of Cabinets: One of the most common items to be disposed of during a house clearance are cabinets (along with chests of drawers). Naturally, wooden cabinets and drawers are relatively simple to dispose of, but many customers fail to take into account the contents of these items. As this also needs disposing of, clarifying exactly what the contents are and what needs doing with them is vital.
  • Access Restrictions: When it comes to completing any job then good access is important, but with house clearances it’s an absolute necessity. Ideally, parking will be outside the property, but this isn’t always possible. And this can have a major impact on costing a house clearance due to the increased manpower required to manually transport materials to the van. Additionally, restrictions at the property may mean that the clearance can only be completed outside of normal working hours and this will incur premium labour rates.

Clearly, there are many factors to take into account when arranging a quote for a house clearance and this is why it’s so difficult to price an estimate over the phone.

At Welwyn House Clearance we don’t want to quote one price over the phone and then have to charge more when we encounter the issues outlined above. We prefer to give one fixed, clear price – which is why we’ll make the effort to come and assess your property and requirements before committing to a cost.

If you have any questions about house clearance, or to arrange for a visit and a quote, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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